Sunday, 13 January 2013


Well...thirteen days into 2013. Hows it going for you so far?

 After my last blog update I got dressed up like a goth Cherie Curie and headed out to Islington with Erica, Dean, Lauren, Mark and Liam and apparently Brucie who of course never made it over from shoreditch. Anywhoo, cheap NYE, few beers, mega dance moves, relishing a pretty much 24  hour tube and home and bed by 3am.

New Years day I did what I reckon most of the country were doing: laying down watchingc rap tv and trying to demolish the last of any food that tastes remotely nice before the mandatory detox diet bollocks starts. And so as I lay in bed, making all kinds of resolutions about drinking, diet, money etc. my flatmate Felicity came home at around 5pm STILL UP and going from NYE. suddenly my flat contained eat tlondon party monsters and I when the irish suggested a new years day drink...i thought hair of the dog was spot on. We went to spoons which was empty and subdued and headed off to The Palm Tree in Mile End in Victoria Park which as also...empty. Still, a few pints were sunk while I vehemenly told myself ' from tomorrow, no more!'

Wednesday rolled around, off to work we trudged and I stuck to my word and went to Sainsburys in Whitechapel to stock up on all kind of green and brown food.

And then Thursday happened and I found myself in he pub with The Irish again althought his time I avoided beer and stuck to wine.

Friday rolled around and we got a bunch of free drinks vouchers so I figured that also didnt count towards my new years resolutions because technically I didnt spend any money. RIGHT?!

So I locked myself away all weekend to recover of the stress of being back at work and allowed myself a cider, some maple and chocolate popcorn and the woman in black. And that erm..also doesnt count because it was the weekend.

Monday I went to spoons for a burger and more pints with the irish. And that doesnt count because erm....I didnt pay for it?

Seriously though. I will do a post about resolutions shortly.

So....mid month, everyone is broke and I am pretty surprised I dont have bed sores from all the layimg around and watching netflix.  But there is a bunch of stuff to look forward to - arty crochet knit craftng cocktail classes with erica and carrie, picking up my camera again

And no doubt milking lots of drinks vouchers to get me through the next two weeks.

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